
What is Sociology?

Sociology is the systematic study of human society and social interaction. Social scientists study human relationships. Where the psychologist focuses more on skin-bound processes such as cognition, motivations, drives, and emotions, the political scientist focuses on large scale phenomenon, such as forms of government and how these forms relate to other institutions, and the anthropologist is concerned with culture in terms of artifacts, language, beliefs, and kinship, the sociologist takes a more big picture perspective including understanding how an individual is externally situated in a society; all social institutions including the military, education, and sport; and finally, how people might govern one another. The unique value of sociology is a window to world(s); subverting "common sense" with empirical data; defining social problems; and examining features of social life both in relational connectedness and in contextual embeddedness.

What do Sociologists do in the Army?

Sociologists often perform services in family counseling, public relations, community planning, public opinion analysis, consulting or other areas related to their particular fields. Additionally, they teach and conduct research at institutions of higher learning like USMA , the War College, and Army Research Centers.

What kinds of Master's Degrees predominate in the field?

Race/Ethnicity, Class, Gender, Family, Social Psychology, Demography, Military Sociology, Political Economy

What kinds of professionals study in a typical Sociology program?

Most sociologists students receive their MA/MS en-route to a PhD. Those who receive a terminal master's are typically research analysts for government, non-profit sector, or private sector organizations.

Top Sociology Programs for Army Officers

  • University of Maryland
  • Duke
  • University of North Carolina
  • Northwestern
West Point faculty members have attended graduate school through the Army. As a result, they`re familiar with most American universities and would be happy to advise you on this discipline as you consider your options. Feel free to give them a call at: (845)938-5638 or (845)839-0292. When you do so, make sure to identify yourself as a CSP-GRADSO holder.

Researching Potential Schools

A wealth of information regarding graduate institutions is available online. Click on any of the icons below for more information: