HRC Assignment Officers play a critical role within the Career Satisfaction Program. As the primary point of contact for officers considering the use of their CSP Graduate School Option, Assignment Officers help shape the education and experiences of officers that the Army will rely upon in the future.

The Graduate School Option (GRADSO) portion of the CSP program continues to be suspended since YG2014 pending officer corps reshaping efforts. The Army will continue to honor all GRADSO contracts for officers from YGs 2006-2013. The BRADSO and PADSO portions of CSP remain in effect.

If you are a new HRC assignment manager, this information will assist you guiding officers in your branch who are eligible to attend graduate school through the CSP Program. If you are an officer who holds a graduate school option, this information will highlight the discussions you should have with your assignment manager.

By selecting the Graduate School Option, officers are guaranteed up to 24 months fully-funded attendance in any domestic graduate program. They remain on Active Duty in exchange for converting three years of their MSO to active service.

As a result of CSP, the Army has retained a large number of talented officers beyond their fifth year of service and, with the graduate option, positioned itself to improve the talents of those officers in which it has invested the most. When officers return to the regular Army from graduate school, they will have a greater capacity to contribute both to the Army and your branch. As a career counselor, you can provide answers and advice about both program selection and program timing, amongst other things. See below for Assignment Officer specific information.

Click here for a refresher on CSP and here for a brochure outlining Assignment Officer Responsibilities

Use the menu bar on the left to read more about the Roles of the Assignment Officer, Considerations, and Requirements.