
The Graduate School Option (GRADSO) portion of the CSP program continues to be suspended since YG2014 pending officer corps reshaping efforts. The Army will continue to honor all GRADSO contracts for officers from YGs 2006-2013. The BRADSO and PADSO portions of CSP remain in effect.

As a cadet, you elected this option to guarantee yourself an opportunity to attend graduate school while in the Army. More importantly, YOU decide whether and when to attend graduate school. Remember: without this option, officers have a one-in-ten chance of attending fully-funded graduate school while in the Army. Also consider that few private sector corporations provide full pay and benefits while their employees pursue higher education. CSP, however, fully funds your attendance at the school of your choice, regardless of cost. If you can gain entry, you can attend, in essence taking a two-year academic sabbatical while remaining on active duty and retaining all associated pay and benefits.

Still wondering whether the Graduate School option is right for you? Follow the path below to help you reach a decision.

What Are the Steps To Apply?
Decide 2 + Years Before School Decide:
What are some considerations as you decide whether to exercise your option? Click here for more info.
Select 1.5 + Years Before School Select:
Decided CSP is right for you? If so, you must select the graduate program of your choice.
Click here for more info.
Apply 1 Year Before School Apply:
How should you prepare to apply to graduate school? What are the next steps?
Click here for more info.